Lighting the fire

The procedure of education puts more emphasis on test scores and league tables and thus persuades many schools to completely depend on formal methods of teaching. But, the greater point of concern remains the question that is this how children learn in real life? Learning is better when education comes alive! When children are ignited with interest, they take initiative and learn like they own it. This course helps you learn the key ways and enables you to kindle that interest in young learners.

Learning outcomes

You will understand the principles of playwork and the role of play in building communication and social skills, such as negotiating, discussing plans, and sharing resources
You will know how to incorporate play into the school day
You will gain an appreciation of hands-on investigation and will be able to support activities that enable children to ‘think with their hands’
You will know how to support a child to explore, make, express, or change opinions through creative play. Art supplies, resources, and a dedicated art area will be considered.
Creativity is, of course, broader than arts and crafts so the importance of construction (or deconstruction) is also outlined. Technology should help children understand mechanical properties and forces so practical involvement is key. This course will help you understand how to support practical play.

Advantages of this course

mAs Albert Einstein once said ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge’. It is important, therefore, to provide opportunities for children to become innovative thinkers through immersive, imaginative play. This short course will suggest ideas for play such as this, as well as outlining the benefits of setting aside time for daily play.
Learning can be described as going from what is known and familiar to what is unknown and uncertain. This course will help you understand the importance of risk-taking in unfamiliar environments, such as a forest, to learning, growth, and development.
Reading texts, website, and video resources are used to explore the subject in more detail
There is also suggested extended reading that gives both practical information and links to websites to expand knowledge

On successful completion of this course, you will have the option of purchasing a CACHE certificate. This certificate must not be confused with nationally regulated qualification achievement.

Endorsement statement

Our short course has been reviewed by a Subject Specialist in childcare and endorsed by CACHE demonstrating the quality and rigor. CACHE is a trading name of NCFE (registered company number 02896700) and CACHE; Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education; and NNEB are registered trademarks owned by NCFE. This is an unregulated programme and is not a nationally recognised qualification.
This CACHE endorsed course is provided in partnership with Laser Learning.
Price: 7000 INR /100 USD