How Our SEN Courses Will Upgrade Your Career?
It is not always possible for everyone to attend special education courses to cater to the needs of gifted children. Therefore, the Asian College of Teachers has designed and developed online Special education courses in two modes: live online programs and online programs. Aspirants and professionals who want a teaching career devoted to special kids should pursue this course undoubtedly.

How Does Misdiagnosing LD Adversely Affect A Gifted Child?
Gifted children and adults are always having their mental state at stake due to both internal characteristics and situational factors. These internal and situational factors can lead to interpersonal and psychological difficulties for gifted children, and subsequently to misdiagnoses and not an optimum level of treatment.

5 Creative Methods To Help An Autistic Child That Really Work
Looking for some creative ways to support your students with autism? This write-up has shared five creative ideas for inclusive classrooms. The more you learn about autism spectrum disorder, the better you’ll be able to formulate these students for enduring success.

Ways To Help “Late-Talkers” Develop Their Language Skills
If you notice that your child has still not started blabbering words like “mama” or/and “dada” by their first birthday, there is nothing to worry, you may begin to worry that your child has some sort of speech delay. While every child is unique and each develops at different rates, there are generally-accepted guidelines of when we expect children to reach certain milestones.