A magical place to learn
This course, exclusively designed for childcare practitioners working with young children, acquaints the trainees with the concept of a themed indoor environment that encourages learning and exploration among the inquisitive children, both independently and with adult guidance. Since children are quite imaginative by nature, hence taking cue from this, the course includes fairy tales as the starting point for a variety of exciting activities and practices. This course will teach you the correct approaches and give you the confidence to create your own themed space to help get your ideas to life within the four walls of a classroom.
Young children are naturally curious and want to explore and learn. If a childcare practitioner creates an environment that is richly resourced with activities, children will learn naturally from all that is around them. It is the practitioner’s skill in creating the environment that is important, and then providing the appropriate support for each child so they get the most from the activities. Wherever possible, children should be fully involved in creating their own place to learn and contribute their ideas and art work.
Aim of the course
To increase your knowledge and understanding of the many areas of learning that can be created within the child’s indoor environment, and to maximise the opportunities for learning by purposefully planning each area, involving children in the choices made.
Objective of the course
You will be able to create a more interesting and exciting indoor environment that will allow children to explore and learn.
Course structure
Filmed tutorials, planning resources and tools, presentation, and good practice example videos – all video content is original and has been created for this course by Laser Learning
Additional activities encourage you to reflect on your learning
There is also suggested extended reading that gives both practical information and links to websites to expand knowledge
On successful completion of this course, you will have the option of purchasing a CACHE certificate. This certificate must not be confused with nationally regulated qualification achievement.
Endorsement statement
Our short course has been reviewed by a Subject Specialist in childcare and endorsed by CACHE demonstrating the quality and rigor. CACHE is a trading name of NCFE (registered company number 02896700) and CACHE; Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education; and NNEB are registered trademarks owned by NCFE. This is an unregulated programme and is not a nationally recognised qualification.
This CACHE endorsed course is provided in partnership with Laser Learning.