Promoting positive behaviour

With this program, learn the ways to promote positive behaviour, manage challenging behaviour, and create an environment conducive of learning where everyone feels safe and happy. Get a grip on the significance of policies, procedures, and strategies for managing behaviour. Know the ways to be consistent and make sure to model the standards you expect from learners at your setting.

Learning outcomes

You will understand policies and procedures for promoting children and young people's positive behaviour in a learning environment

You will know why some children and adults act inappropriately at school or college

You will be able to promote positive behaviour

You will be able to manage behaviour that challenges

Advantages of this course

This course will introduce you to a number of strategies and you will be able to evaluate whether they are relevant to the ages and stages of development of the children you work with

There are often circumstances beyond the control of the child or young person that is causing them to behave in a certain way. This course will explore mental health and behaviour, as well as challenging behaviour and learning disabilities.

You will be asked to consider 'how strict is too strict?' and the effectiveness of policies, procedures, and strategies

Additional activities encourage you to reflect on your learning

There is also suggested extended reading that gives both practical information and links to websites to expand knowledge

On successful completion of this course, you will have the option of purchasing a CACHE certificate. This certificate must not be confused with nationally regulated qualification achievement.

Endorsement statement

Our short course has been reviewed by a Subject Specialist in childcare and endorsed by CACHE demonstrating the quality and rigor. CACHE is a trading name of NCFE (registered company number 02896700) and CACHE; Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education; and NNEB are registered trademarks owned by NCFE. This is an unregulated programme and is not a nationally recognised qualification.
This CACHE endorsed course is provided in partnership with Laser Learning.
Course Fee: Rs. 7000 /100 USD