Health and safety in the early years
This CACHE endorsed short course provides a detailed study to have a safe and secure environment for children and the method to conduct risk assessments and use them to raise everybody's awareness of potential dangers. The course will acquaint you with ways to maintain a healthy, safe, and secure environment for children and, in particular, along with their hygiene practices. You will also learn to encourage children children to manage risk for themselves, and the impact of this on their future well-being
You do not need to be working in a managerial role to complete this course, but should be working in a childcare setting.
Learning outcomes
You will learn the skills required to support children’s health and safety
You will learn that a key factor in protecting children from accidents and injury is to understand what the risks might be
You will learn the importance of encouraging children to manage risk for themselves, and the impact of this on their future well-being
Advantages of this course
All schools and Ofsted registered early years settings have to meet the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). One of the guiding themes of the EYFS is the importance of an ‘enabling environment’ and the safety and security of an educational space is central to this. Every child has a right to feel safe in their learning environment and this course will outline how you can ensure that they do, from planning a safe educational visit to keeping a record of accidents and injuries.
Should a child become ill at the setting, it is imperative that staff working there can identify the common signs and symptoms of illness and take action to promote recovery. Illness and injury is covered in the first section of the course, and ways to minimise the risk of illness, such as basic hygiene, is explored in the reading section.
As a practitioner, it is your responsibility to protect children from accidents and if an accident and/or injury does occur, respond appropriately. In this course, you will learn how to conduct a risk assessment and the actions to take if an accident does occur.
Additional activities encourage you to reflect on your learning
There is also suggested extended reading gives both practical information and links to websites to expand knowledge
On completion of this course, you will have the option of purchasing a CACHE certificate. This certificate must not be confused with nationally regulated qualification achievement.
Endorsement statement
Our short course has been reviewed by a Subject Specialist in childcare and endorsed by CACHE demonstrating the quality and rigor. CACHE is a trading name of NCFE (registered company number 02896700) and CACHE; Council for Awards in Care, Health and Education; and NNEB are registered trademarks owned by NCFE. This is an unregulated programme and is not a nationally recognised qualification.